Reality is Relative…Unfortunately

In a world where everyone is right, we’re all wrong.

Dustin Jacobs
6 min readJan 26, 2017


It’s been a hellacious week for liberal minded people, or just educated people who value human life and the environment over profit.

Obamacare has been defunded in crucial areas including prior conditions. The Mexican boarder wall has been greenlit to the tune of $8 billion to $14 billion of US tax payer money. International female health institutions have lost federal funding, meaning population issues and women’s health issues will be on the rise. Safe haven cities (LA, San Francisco and Chicago) will stop receiving federal funds should they not cooperate with forthcoming immigration laws, that will seek to push out several million immigrants. Muslim immigration has ceased completely from countries including Syria, Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Not to mention continued construction of the North Dakota pipeline, which Trump has a personal investment in, and a gag order for government scientists in regards to getting information to the public.

But the new administration can do what the Bush administration did, and have their own private email server. You know, the same thing Hillary was burned at the stake over. Funny how the GOP always plays the evil hypocrite.

All of this in the first week with more atrocities to come over the next four years. That’s with the assumption that Americans are still allowed to vote, thanks to the forthcoming investigation in regards to how Trump, the almighty god of his own universe inside his small mind, will push forth a new investigation into voter fraud. The only reason he is doing this is because he lost to a woman at something.

“GASP! How can it be? How can it be that a woman beat me, King Trump Almighty, at anything? Also, I can’t stand this female victory parade across the country a day after I was sworn in! I hate this place! I hate America!!!!”

The answer is simple. Of the voting populace, almost 50% didn’t vote due to trust issues or lack of caring. The majority of the rest (65.8 million) voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump (62.9 million). Trump claims fraud, while non idiots claim bullshit. He won via the Electoral College, which is an outdated device that’s sole purpose was to ensure that someone like Trump couldn’t get elected. Whelp….

Trump’s is a fragile psyche that can’t stand negative press to the point of threatening the first amendment and the press itself on several occasions, whether it be the one press conference he has done as President where he called CNN “fake news” or via his favorite pastime, Twitter. It hurts his brand. It hurts his business. It hurts him. The man who claims to win an awful lot to have such a mediocre if not abhorrent resume littered with business failures, doesn’t seem to know how to “win” gracefully. That’s probably because the man doesn’t know what it is to be at peace, considering daddy never loved him, and his mother’s love was either non existent or it didn’t matter.

Which brings this piece to reality being relative. In Trumpland, if Trump agrees with you, it’s the truth. If Trump doesn’t agree with you, “you’re fired.” The US government is now run by a CEO, not a government official. If you kiss the bosses ass, he’ll listen to you. Steve Bannon is an expert at kissing Trump’s ego, and now he’s getting everything he could have ever wanted: Nazi America.

The American people are about to suffer immensely, and it’s all because they wanted to believe the lie they’ve been told. They wanted to believe their way of life was coming back to them.

Sorry Baby Boomers, the only ones among you that are relevant are either in politics or have more money than they should be allowed to have. The rest of you are just in the waiting room of death, clinging to the past in hopes that the sweeping change would stop. It’s not going to stop. Change is the only constant. You’ve just become old and obsolete. It sucks, but that’s life.

Sorry Gen Xers, but you’ve dropped the ball big time. All you Alex P Keaton wannabes, hoping to make a buck at another human being’s expense thanks to trickle down Golden Showers, you need to realize that the 80s came and went and the bubble burst. It didn’t work. If you have no other skills rather than swindling people or worshiping Hitler, I suggest you find a short pier to take a long walk off of.

Sorry Millenials, but you should really reevaluate your decision to be a beacon for all that is righteous, moral and good. Human beings are not good creatures. There’s this thing called human history including the history we’re currently making, and you should look into it. Especially if you happen to be white. Bernie Sanders was just another politician who wanted a legacy, and the only way that was going to happen was if he used the word FREE around young poor people who were naive enough to believe it. Who exactly was going to pay for all these FREE things? Kind of like that whole MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN campaign regarding a wall that Mexico would pay for. Basically, Bernie was a Baby Boomer in the twilight of his career and life, looking back on it and really wanting it to matter. He found the Sheeple to his Freezus.

Millenials will suffer the most, should America and the rest of the world still exist for the next ten to twenty years. Also, if you’re in this age bracket, to bring a child into this world at this juncture is ludicrous, even if Trump won’t allow you to have the abortion.

We all unfortunately live in our own little realities, whether we like to admit it or not. Trump is translucent about his, which is why some Americans deemed him more trustworthy than Hillary.

An example of this can be found in my own life, when I was much younger. Brace yourself, things are about to get a little nerdy.

A friend of mine was a huge fan of Godzilla and he brought with him several Godzilla films to the daycare center where we, along with other children in the community, would spend the summer or the afternoon after school. One particular moment during this period really stuck with me, and it was the occasion when we watched KING KONG VS GODZILLA.

The film ends with King Kong victorious over Godzilla. Tokyo was once again saved and free from the giant radioactive lizard. There was just one small problem. My friend was adamant that Godzilla had won.

Well, how can that be? The TV news anchor in the film said King Kong had won. The audience can visibly see King Kong swimming away from Godzilla’s watery grave. Yet, because my friend was a huge fan of Godzilla, he couldn’t accept it. Godzilla had been bested before, but it was always humans that did the damage, and most of the time it was temporary. He couldn’t accept the fact that his favorite creature had lost to a different creature of equal greatness.

Keep in mind, he owned this film. He had seen it multiple times. No one else at the daycare center had seen it before that day, including me.

When a group of us lined up to play outside and were discussing the film, we brought up the surprising shock of Godzilla losing. If we were allowed to gamble, none of us would have taken the giant ape in the fight. Kong’s abilities were limited and let’s face it, Godzilla looked way cooler. However, the results were in. Kong had won. When my friend heard us discussing the victor, he began to argue that Godzilla had won. Eventually, against an entire group of his peers, he tried to convince us all that Godzilla had won. When he realized it was a losing battle, filled with frustration and sadness, he began to cry. All of us looked at each other like “he can’t be serious.” All of us looked at him like he was insane.

We remained friends until college, when we had a falling out over a petty political dispute regarding membership dues and fund usage in a cinema club.

Fun fact: He was an only child.

Ironically enough, Hollywood is cooking up a KING KONG vs GODZILLA remake. Just in time.

If anything, this story proves that reality is relative. We all have our own minds, small or large, and how we perceive the world is ultimately how the world is. Everyone believes what they wish to believe and all we really have to go on is our own experiences. Empathy is unfortunately not inherent in all humans, even if we wished it was.

This week the word truth has been in doubt. The problem is, there’s never been an absolute truth, even if the GOP and this administration wishes there was.

Then again, this is just the ramblings from one particular truth. What’s yours?

